Learning a language never means to learn an impersonal instrument of communication, but it provides a passkey to a cultural world. Our school offers a wide variety of Italian culture courses, aiming to outline a genuine view of its varied complexity, away from the usual stereotypes and aware of the many regional facets. Particular attention will be paid to the Ligurian culture meant as a fundamental instrument for a more authentic knowledge of the Cinque Terre.
These lessons, given in the lower levels (A2-B1), represent for the learners a way to get close in a pleasing and exciting way to the Italian culture in the broadest sense of the term, included material and social aspects such as traditions, cooking, style, ways of life and think. They are held by language teachers in order to ensure larger attention to the linguistic side and an effective coordination with the topics discussed in the Italian class.

These lessons, given in the higher levels (B2-C2), aim at outlining the background of the Italian civilization considered in its historic development through the study of various academic subjects such as art, history, literature and cinema. In order to ensure the highest quality of the content, they are held by professors from university or high-school.
These lessons, given in the higher levels (B2-C2), aim at outlining the background of the Italian civilization considered in its historic development through the study of various academic subjects such as art, history, literature and cinema. In order to ensure the highest quality of the content, they are held by professors from university or high-school.

These lessons are dedicate to the culture of Cinque Terre and are conceived as theoretical introduction to the workshops. Held by visiting lecturers, they represent a valuable opportunity for the school to open itself outwards and expand educational horizons. Moreover, being held in plenary and open to the public, they constitute a moment of meeting and sharing between classes and with the local community.